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Wednesday, March 3, 2010

Placement of Dental Implants Michigan Results in Minimal Bone Loss

Source: Chicago- May11, 2009 
The American Academy of Periodontology 

According to the American Academy of Periodontology (AAP), Michigan Dental implants, frequently used as a replacement for missing teeth, can actually help prevent bone loss.  Dental Implants Michigan can be used not only as a replacement for missing teeth in or order to restore the patient's tooth function but also to improve a patient's appearance.  Previous research shows that placing a dental implant disrupts the host tissue in the area of the implant, so Michigan oral surgeons often focus their treatment planning to carefully maintain the patient's bone and gum tissue surrounding the implant.  A more recent study published in the Journal of Periodontology discovered that most of the bone remodelling occurrs in the time between when the implant is placed and when the final restoration is seated.

Close observation of the same patients in the five years following the implant placement showed little bone change, regardless of the type of restoration or implant length.  This study, conducted at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, evaluated 596 dental implants placed in 192 patients over the age of 18.  Patients were screened for adequate oral hygiene and bone volume.  Exclusion criteria included heavy smoking, chewing tobacco use, drug abuse, and untreated periodontal disease, amongst others.

Study author Dr. David Chochran, DDS, PhD, Chair of the Department of Periodontics at the University of Texas Health Science Center at San Antonio, and President of the AAP, believes that this study provides additional supporting evidence for the use of dental implants Michigan to replace missing teeth.  Because the patient's host tissue surrounding the dental implant largely remains uncchanged in the five years following placement, the dental team is free to focus on periodontal assessment and treatment of other areas in the patient's mouth, confindently knowing that the Dental Implants Michigan are doing their job of acting as a viable substitute for that patient's natural tooth.